Tooth loss is tough for anyone, especially when it involves multiple teeth. Luckily, dental advancements have led to the rise of dental implants as a tooth replacement option. Let's review some of the benefits of dental implants.
With the look and feel of regular teeth, implants are the most aesthetically pleasing option for tooth replacement. The porcelain crowns that cover the implant closely match the color and texture of your real teeth, allowing you to maintain a beautiful, natural-looking smile.
One of the best advantages of this tooth replacement option is its durability. When cared for properly, implants can last for decades. This is often longer than other tooth replacement options such as dentures or bridges. Caring for your dental implants will ensure that the investment was worth it.
In addition to their natural look and feel, dental implants also help maintain the health of your other teeth. When installed, they are firmly anchored in your jawbone. They support surrounding teeth and keep them from shifting out of place, a common problem with alternative tooth replacement options.
Implants are much more comfortable than other types of tooth replacement, such as dentures and bridges. Dentures can cause discomfort due to their bulky size and the need for adhesives. Alternatively, dental implant-supported prosthetics are small and fit snugly within the gum line. Once your treatment is complete, the implants have the same comfort as natural teeth.
According to the CDC, almost 70% of American adults saw a dentist in 2019. It's no wonder that percentage is so high when having a clean full set of beautiful, functional teeth can boost your self-confidence. When natural teeth are missing, implants can give you the same confidence a full set of natural teeth will. Feel free to engage in everyday activities at work or in your personal life without worrying about your dental prosthetics.
Losing too many teeth can affect what and how you eat. With implants, enjoy all types of food without worrying about dentures slipping or bridges breaking. You'll be able to chew and bite into foods that were previously difficult to eat. You can enjoy your favorite food without stressing about any dietary restrictions for your teeth.
Overall, dental implants provide many benefits for anyone who is dealing with tooth loss. Not only do they look and feel like natural teeth, but they can also help you maintain your oral health and confidence. If you're ready to replace missing teeth with implants, give Wilson Family Dental a call today!
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